If you are interested in adding to the archives of the Space Medicine Association, please contact the Association Historian, Dr. Mark Campbell. Our archives are kept at Wright State University Special Collections and Archives.
If you are interested in access to the Space Medicine Association Archives, please contact the Archivist at Wright State University (Bill Stolz at [email protected]).
Dawne Dewey
Head, Special Collections and Archives Wright
[email protected]
Bill Stolz
[email protected]
WSU SMA Archives Catalogue (1.4 MiB)
FSC37 Agreement 1992 (719.2 KiB)
Awards-2018 (41.5 KiB)
Meetings-2018 (32.5 KiB)
Officers-2018 (39.0 KiB)
Speakers-2018 (35.0 KiB)
SMA History Summary (40.4 KiB)
The Strughold award is presented by the Space Medicine Association for dedication and outstanding contributions in advancing the frontiers of Space Medicine and/or for sustained contributions to further the goals of the Space Medicine Association.
Strughold Awards 2012 (140.0 KiB)
The Young Investigator Award is presented by the Space Medicine Association to an individual just starting their career who is the primary author of an outstanding presentation in the area of Aerospace Medicine given at the current Annual Scientific Meeting of the Aerospace Medical Association.
Young Investigators Award 2001 (33.5 KiB)
Young Investigators Award 2002 (34.0 KiB)
Young Investigators Award 2003 (26.5 KiB)
Young Investigators Award 2004 (26.5 KiB)
Young Investigators Award 2005 (26.0 KiB)
Young Investigators Award 2006 (27.0 KiB)
Young Investigators Award 2007 (42.0 KiB)
Young Investigators Award 2008 (44.5 KiB)
Young Investigators Award 2009 (30.0 KiB)
Young Investigators Award 2010 (27.5 KiB)
Young Investigators Award 2011 (28.0 KiB)
Young Investigators Award 2012 (30.5 KiB)
Young Investigators Award 2013 (27.0 KiB)
The Young Investigators Award 2014 (41.5 KiB)
YIA AWARD 2015 (27.5 KiB)
YIA Award 2016 (31.0 KiB)
YIA 2017 (41.0 KiB)
YIA Papers
Young Investigators Award Paper 2001 (1.0 MiB)
Young Investigators Award Paper 2003 (130.5 KiB)
Young Investigators Award Paper 2004 (98.5 KiB)
Young Investigators Award Paper 2005 (432.5 KiB)
Young Investigators Award Paper 2006 (1.9 MiB)
Young Investigators Award Paper 2007 (295.9 KiB)
Young Investigators Award Paper 2008 (116.5 KiB)
Young Investigators Award Paper 2009 (101.0 KiB)
Young Investigators Award Paper 2010 (614.0 KiB)
Young Investigators Award Paper 2011 (87.0 KiB)
Young Investigators Award Paper 2012 (501.9 KiB)
Young Investigators Award Paper 2013 (759.3 KiB)
The Young Investigators Award 2014 Paper (111.0 KiB)
YIA Paper 2015 (141.0 KiB)
YIA Paper 2017 (502.7 KiB)
Sieker YIA 2018 Submission (847.0 KiB)
Winning YIA Papers
YIA 1996 Page 1 (scan) (103.6 KiB)
YIA 1996 Page 2 (scan) (276.1 KiB)
YIA 1996 Page 3 (scan) (172.7 KiB)
YIA 1998 Page 1 (scan) (197.8 KiB)
YIA 1998 Page 2 (scan) (473.8 KiB)
YIA 1998 Page 3 (scan) (425.7 KiB)

2016 Slideshow

Joe Dervay
Dervay Bio (28.5 KiB)
President Elect:
Judith Hayes
Hayes Bio (29.7 KiB)
Yael Barr [email protected]
Tina Bayuse
Tina Bayuse Bio (24.1 KiB)
Immediate Past President:
John Charles
Charles Bio (26.8 KiB)
Awards Committee Chair:
Charles Mathers
Young Investigators Award:
Jeff Myers
Historian/Custodian of the Gavel:
Mark Campbell
Campbell Bio (24.5 KiB)
Mark Campbell
Campbell Bio (24.5 KiB)
Rep to AsMA Nominations Committee:
Genie Bopp
Bopp Bio (33.0 KiB)
Current Members at Large:
Judith Hayes
Hayes Bio (29.7 KiB)
Derek Nusbaum
Nusbaum Bio (29.3 KiB)
Kathy Hughes
Hughes Bio (29.5 KiB)
Duchesne (28.5 KiB)
Aerospace Medical Association:
Pam Day
Multinational Committee:
Volker Damann
2018 AsMA SMA Luncheon Speaker Flyer (657.4 KiB)
2018-AsMA-SMA-Luncheon-Program (142.2 KiB)
SMA Ballot-Bios 2018 (142.6 KiB)
Awards-2017 (40.5 KiB)
Meetings-2017 (32.5 KiB)
Officers-2017 (39.0 KiB)
Speakers-2017 (35.0 KiB)
Photos From 2017 Meeting
2017 SMA Annual meeting in Denver – Photos
John Charles
Charles Bio (26.8 KiB)
President Elect:
Joe Dervay
Dervay Bio (28.5 KiB)
Tarah Castleberry
Castleberry Bio (22.9 KiB)
Tina Bayuse
Tina Bayuse Bio (24.1 KiB)
Immediate Past President:
Michelle Frieling
Michelle Frieling Bio (23.6 KiB)
Awards Co-Chairs:
Charles Mathers (Chairman of Awards Committee)
Jeff Myers (Young Investigators Award)
Historian/Custodian of the Gavel:
Mark Campbell
Campbell Bio (24.5 KiB)
Mark Campbell
Campbell Bio (24.5 KiB)
Genie Bopp
Bopp Bio (33.0 KiB)
Current Members at Large:
Judith Hayes
Hayes Bio (29.7 KiB)
Nusbaum Bio (29.3 KiB)
Ashot Sargsyan Bio (22.3 KiB)
Raffi Kuyumjian Bio (23.3 KiB)
Hughes Bio (29.5 KiB)
Duchesne (28.5 KiB)
Aerospace Medical Association:
Pam Day
Multinational Committee:
Volker Damann
Constitution-Rev 2017 (59.5 KiB)
President: Michelle Frieling
Michelle Frieling Bio (23.6 KiB)
Castleberry (26.0 KiB)
Tina Bayuse Bio (24.1 KiB)
Immediate Past President: Steve Vander Ark
Vander Ark Bio (25.5 KiB)
Campbell Bio (24.5 KiB)
Campbell Bio (24.5 KiB)
Bopp Bio (33.0 KiB)
SMA Ballot-Bios 2016 Final (78.5 KiB)
SMA Luncheon Flier 3.16 - Final (3.9 MiB)
SMA Pre-Luncheon Slides 2016 (5.2 MiB)
2016 AsMA SMA Luncheon Program Reve (174.6 KiB)
AST Response To COMSTAC May 2014 Recommendations (556.5 KiB)
SMA Ballot-Bios 2016 (57.3 KiB)
SMA Pre-Luncheon Slides 2016 (5.2 MiB)
2016 AsMA SMA Luncheon Program (174.6 KiB)
Awards 2016 (36.5 KiB)
Meetings 2016 (29.0 KiB)
Officers 2016 (35.5 KiB)
Officers 2015 (35.0 KiB)
SMA History Summary (40.4 KiB)
Speakers 2016 (31.5 KiB)
SMA Ballot-Bios 2015 (42.0 KiB)
Vander Ark Bio (25.5 KiB)
Hayes Bio (29.7 KiB)
Tina Bayuse Bio (24.1 KiB)
Michelle Frieling Bio (23.6 KiB)
Tarver Bio (21.3 KiB)
Campbell Bio (24.5 KiB)
Campbell Bio (24.5 KiB)
Bopp Bio (33.0 KiB)
Contacts And SMA Officers 2014 (25.5 KiB)
SMA Luncheon Brochure 2015 (237.1 KiB)
SMA Program 2015 (609.8 KiB)
Awards 2015 (35.5 KiB)
Meetings 2015 (29.0 KiB)
Officers 2015 (35.0 KiB)
Speakers 2015 (31.0 KiB)
Constitution 2015 (60.0 KiB)
Officers 2014 (35.0 KiB)
Meetings 2014 (29.0 KiB)
Speakers 2014 (31.0 KiB)
Awards 2014 (34.0 KiB)
Space Medicine Archives And Collections (32.5 KiB)
Constitution Rev (54.5 KiB)
SMA Ballot Bios 2015
SMA Ballot-Bios 2015 (42.0 KiB)
Constitution and Bylaws
Constitution Rev (54.5 KiB)
Officers and Committee Chairs:
President: Scott Parazynski
Parazynski Bio (24.5 KiB)
Tarver Bio (21.3 KiB)
Vander Ark Bio (25.5 KiB)
Pruett Bio (28.7 KiB)
Kaz Shimada
Shimada Bio (24.5 KiB)
Committee Chairs:
Awards Co-Chairs:
Smith Johnston (Strughold Award)
Jeff Myers (Young Investigators Award)
Mark Campbell (Jeffrey R Davis Scholarship)
Volker Damann (Wyle Scholarship)
Historian/Custodian of the Gavel:
Mark Campbell
Campbell Bio (24.5 KiB)
William Tarver
Tarver Bio (21.3 KiB)
Volker Damann
Damann Bio (25.5 KiB)
Mark Campbell
Campbell Bio (24.5 KiB)
Scott Parazynski
Parazynski Bio (24.5 KiB)
Genie Bopp
Bopp Bio (33.0 KiB)
Current Members at Large:
Michelle Freiling (term ends 2014)
Frieling Bio (23.8 KiB)
Castleberry (26.0 KiB)
Mathers Bio (25.0 KiB)
Scheuring Bio (28.0 KiB)
Barr Bio (26.7 KiB)
Beven Bio (21.1 KiB)
Space Medicine Association Executive Committee
Officers and Committee Chairs:
President: Kaz Shimada
Shimada Bio (24.5 KiB)
Parazynski Bio (24.5 KiB)
Vander Ark Bio (25.5 KiB)
Moynihan Bio (24.0 KiB)
Damann Bio (25.5 KiB)
Committee Chairs:
Awards Co-Chairs:
Smith Johnston (Strughold Award)
Jeff Myers (Young Investigators Award)
Mark Campbell (Jeffrey R Davis Scholarship)
Volker Damann (Wyle Scholarship)
Historian/Custodian of the Gavel:
Mark Campbell
Campbell Bio (24.5 KiB)
Scott Parazynski
Parazynski Bio (24.5 KiB)
Volker Damann
Damann Bio (25.5 KiB)
Mark Campbell
Campbell Bio (24.5 KiB)
Kaz Shimada
Shimada Bio (24.5 KiB)
Genie Bopp
Bopp Bio (33.0 KiB)
Current Members at Large:
Vernon McDonald (term ends 2013)
V. McDonald Bio (26.0 KiB)
Dervay Bio (25.5 KiB)
M. Christgen Bio (26.5 KiB)
T. Castleberry Bio (26.0 KiB)
Pruett Bio (28.7 KiB)
Scheuring Bio (29.5 KiB)
SMA Luncheon May2013 (846.6 KiB)
SpaceMed 2013 (546.7 KiB)
Space Medicine Association Executive Committee
Officers and Committee Chairs:
President: Volker Damann
Damann Bio (25.5 KiB)
Shimada Bio (24.5 KiB)
Pruett Bio (28.7 KiB)
Moynihan Bio (24.0 KiB)
Stepanek Bio (28.0 KiB)
Awards Co-Chairs:
Smith Johnston (Strughold Award)
Jeff Myers (Young Investigators Award)
Mark Campbell (Jeffrey R Davis Scholarship)
Volker Damann (Wyle Scholarship)
History/Custodian of the Gavel:
Mark Campbell
Kaz Shimada
Multinational Committee:
Volker Damann
Mark Campbell
Rep to AsMA Council:
Volker Damann
Rep to AsMA Nominations Committee:
Denise Baisden
Current Members at Large:
Serena Aunon (term ends 2012)
Serena Aunon Bio (27.5 KiB)
Vander Ark Bio (25.5 KiB)
V. McDonald Bio (26.0 KiB)
Dervay Bio (25.5 KiB)
M. Christgen Bio (26.5 KiB)
T. Castleberry Bio (26.0 KiB)
Envihab At DLR (29.9 KiB)
Envihab (14.7 KiB)
Smith (2.2 MiB)
SMA Ballot 2012 Bios (131.4 KiB)
Strughold Bio Smith (27.5 KiB)
SMA 2011 Ballot Bios (128.9 KiB)
Barratt Kerwin (74.7 KiB)
Hubertus Strughold Award 2011 (1.0 MiB)
John Charles Kerwin (26.0 KiB)
SMA Business Luncheon Program - AsMA 2011 Anchorage (2.0 MiB)
Officers and Committee Chairs:
President: Jan Stepanek
Stepanek Bio (28.0 KiB)
Damann Bio (25.5 KiB)
Pruett Bio (28.7 KiB)
Mike Chandler Bio (28.0 KiB)
Patrick McGinnis Bio (25.0 KiB)
Committee Chairs:
Awards Co-Chairs:
Smith Johnston (Strughold Award)
Jeff Myers (Young Investigators Award)
Mark Campbell (Scholarship)
Phil Scarpa
Jim Webb
Corporate Membership:
Dwight Holland
Pat McGinnis
Genie Bopp
Archive Committee:
Jon Clark
History/Custodian of the Gavel:
Mark Campbell
Volker Damann
Multinational Committee:
Volker Damann
Mark Campbell
Rep to AsMA Council:
Jan Stepanek
Rep to AsMA Nominations Committee:
Denise Baisden
Current Members at Large:
Mark Edwards (term ends 2011)
Mark Edwards Bio (26.5 KiB)
Serena Aunon (term ends 2012)
Serena Aunon Bio (27.5 KiB)
Moynihan Bio (24.0 KiB)
V. McDonald Bio (26.0 KiB)
Dervay Bio (25.5 KiB)
SMA President’s Letter 2009
President Annual Report (32.0 KiB)
and Committee Chairs for 2009-2010
President: Patrick McGinnis
Patrick McGinnis Bio (25.0 KiB)
Stepanek Bio (28.0 KiB)
Karen Mathes Bio (24.0 KiB)
Mike Chandler Bio (28.0 KiB)
Bopp Bio (33.0 KiB)
Awards Co-Chairs:
Smith Johnston (Strughold Award)
Jeff Myers (Young Investigators Award)
Mark Campbell (Scholarship)
Phil Scarpa
Jim Webb
Corporate Membership:
Dwight Holland
Pat McGinnis
Genie Bopp
Archive Committee:
Jon Clark
History/Custodian of the Gavel:
Mark Campbell
Jan Stepanek
Multinational Committee:
Volker Damann
Mark Campbell
Rep to AsMA Council:
Patrick McGinnis
Rep to AsMA Nominations Committee:
Denise Baisden
Current Members at Large:
Scott Parazynski (term ends 2010)
JD Polk (term ends 2010)
Mark Edwards (term ends 2011)
Sam Strauss (term ends 2011)
Serena Aunon (term ends 2012)
Shannon Moynihan (term ends 2012)
The Apollo Medical Operations Project (374.5 KiB)
010326-Central Intelligence Agency-Office Of Scientific Inte (3.3 MiB)
SMA Program 2009 (230.0 KiB)
SMA President's Letter 0508 (30.0 KiB)
AsMA Awards (78.1 KiB)
Berry Strughold S-72-37463 (13.1 MiB)
SMA Annual Report 0608 (42.5 KiB)
Donors 2008 (24.0 KiB)
SMA Program 2009 (230.0 KiB)
010326-Central Intelligence Agency-Office Of Scientific Inte (3.3 MiB)
The Apollo Medical Operations Project (374.5 KiB)
SMA Business Luncheon Program - AsMA 2011 Anchorage (2.0 MiB)
Space Medicine Association Executive Committee Officers
and Committee Chairs for 2009-2010
President: Genie Bopp
Bopp Bio (33.0 KiB)
Patrick McGinnis Bio (25.0 KiB)
Karen Mathes Bio (24.0 KiB)
John Charles Bio (29.5 KiB)
Campbell Bio (24.5 KiB)
Committee Chairs:
Awards Co-Chairs:
Smith Johnston (Strughold Award)
Jeff Myers (Young Investigators Award)
Constitution/Policy: Phil Scarpa
Education: Vacant
Corporate Membership: Dwight Holland
Finance: John Charles
Scholarship: Mike Chandler
History/Custodian of the Gavel: Art Arnold
Nominations: Pat McGinnis
International Activites: Alyson Calder (UK)
Program: Phil Scarpa
Website: Mark Campbell
Rep to AsMA Council: Genie Bopp
Rep to AsMA Nominations Comm: Denise Baisden
Current Members at Large:
Doug Hamilton
Douglas Hamilton Bio (25.5 KiB)
Jan Stepanek
Stepanek Bio (28.0 KiB)
Scott Parazynski
Parazynski Bio (24.5 KiB)
JD Polk
JD Polk Bio (19.5 KiB)
Mark Edwards
Mark Edwards Bio (26.5 KiB)
Sam Strauss (term ends 2001)
SMA May 2007 (2.1 MiB)
SMA 0907-1 (58.4 KiB)
SMA 0907-2 (14.9 KiB)
SMA Awards 0807 (30.3 KiB)
SMA Program 2008 (204.8 KiB)
Panels 2008 (25.5 KiB)
Space Medicine Association Executive Committee 07-08
President: Mark Campbell
Campbell Bio (24.5 KiB)
Bopp Bio (33.0 KiB)
V. McDonald Bio (26.0 KiB)
John Charles Bio (29.5 KiB)
Committee Chairs:
Awards Co-Chairs: Smith Johnston (Strughold Award)
Jeff Myers (Young Investigators Award)
Constitution/Policy: Phil Scarpa
Education: Vacant
Corporate Membership/Finance: Dwight Holland
History: Art Arnold
Nominations: Genie Bopp
International Activites: Alyson Calder (UK)
Program: Phil Scarpa
Website: Mark Campbell
Rep to AsMA Council: Mark Campbell
Rep to AsMA Nominations Comm: Denise Baisden
Current Members at Large:
Alyson Calder
Alyson Calder Bio (25.0 KiB)
Mike Chandler
Mike Chandler Bio (28.0 KiB)
Doug Hamilton
Douglas Hamilton Bio (25.5 KiB)
Jan Stepanek
Stepanek Bio (28.0 KiB)
Scott Parazynski
Parazynski Bio (24.5 KiB)
JD Polk
JD Polk Bio (19.5 KiB)
SMA Aug06 (127.9 KiB)
SMA Sept06 (86.2 KiB)
Presidents Annual Letter SMB 0106 (25.0 KiB)
SMB Ballot 0306 (51.5 KiB)
Annual Meeting 2005 (41.0 KiB)
SMB List Website (55.5 KiB)
SMB Presentation Presidents Letter-5-05 (50.5 KiB)
Presidents Letter 2002 (694.9 KiB)
Presidents Letter 2003 (179.7 KiB)
Awardsarticle02 (33.0 KiB)
SMBarticle (38.5 KiB)
SMBarticle1 (28.0 KiB)
SMBarticle2 (44.0 KiB)
SMBarticle3part1 (32.5 KiB)
SMBarticle3part2 (43.0 KiB)
SMBarticle4 (32.0 KiB)
SMBhistory (425.5 KiB)
Smbresolution (16.0 KiB)
Smbresolution2 (14.0 KiB)
Presidents Letter 2000 (242.4 KiB)
SMB Letter 2000 (201.4 KiB)
Annual Report 2000 Page1 (scan) (295.5 KiB)
SMA Aug06 (127.9 KiB)
SMB Committee List 1998-1999 (145.6 KiB)
PresLetter1997 (scan3) (567.7 KiB)
PresLetter1997 (scan2) (255.8 KiB)
PresLetter1997 (scan1) (568.0 KiB)
Annual Report 1996 (234.6 KiB)
SMB Committee Listing 1996 (210.0 KiB)
Annual Report 10/1996 (10.0 KiB)
Annual Report 4/1997 (14.0 KiB)
Presidents Letter 1996 (scan1) (325.3 KiB)
Presidents Letter 1996 (scan2) (246.6 KiB)
SMB Committee Listing 1995 (111.6 KiB)
Awards 1994 (339.2 KiB)
SMB Annual Report 1994 (scan2) (162.6 KiB)
SMB Annual Report 1994 (scan1) (250.5 KiB)
SMB Annual Report 1993 (scan1) (245.8 KiB)
SMB Annual Report 1993 (scan2) (149.4 KiB)
SMB Annual Report 1992 (scan1) (169.6 KiB)
Presidents Letter 1992 (scan1) (296.9 KiB)
Presidents Letter 1992 (scan2) (332.0 KiB)
Presidents Letter 1992 (scan3) (165.5 KiB)