Join the Space Medicine Association

Current members of the Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA) may apply for membership in the Space Medicine Association (SMA) by sending an application form to the AsMA membership office via email [email protected] or via fax 1-703-739-9652.

Download the SMA Application form
SMA Application Form 2020 (revised)
SMA Application Form 2020 (revised)
538.2 KiB

Once the application is received, the prospective member will be contacted by AsMA’s membership department, and AsMA’s online dues collection system will be enabled to accept SMA membership dues payment. Final review and approval of membership is made by the SMA’s Executive Committee once membership application and membership dues have been received by AsMA.

Please note that SMA membership is only open to members of AsMA.
To join AsMA, please visit

Qualification and Election for Membership:

  • Be a Member of the Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA), and have demonstrated a genuine interest in forwarding the science of space medicine.

Benefits of SMA Membership:

  1. Promotes professional fellowship among colleagues in space medicine and allied sciences
  2. Serves as a forum for international exchange on space medicine issues.
  3. Serves as a resource and advocate for space medicine-related issues before AsMA.
  4. Represents space medicine interests on AsMA committees including the Scientific Program Committee and AsMA Nominations Committee
  5. Promotes space medicine continuing education through SMA-sponsored and SMA-endorsed sessions at the annual AsMA meeting.
  6. Recognizes and encourages the development of young colleagues through the annual presentation of the Young Investigator Award.
  7. Promotes recognition of peers in space medicine and allied sciences through the annual presentation of the Hubertus Strughold Award and through nominations for awards presented by AsMA.
  8. Provides support to the nomination of Fellows to the AsMA
  9. Through voluntary participation in SMA committees and SMA leadership, allows for personal contributions to the organization.
  10. Provides access to the “Members Only” section of the SMA website containing the membership directory, Constitution and Bylaws, space medicine bulletin board, committee meeting information, and historical archives.
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